
Aranya Forest, Delhi

    Location: Neem Karoli Baba Ashram, Jonapur, Chattarpur, South-West Delhi, India

    Started in: April 2020

    Area: 15 acres


    • Land allotted by Neem Karoli Baba Ashram Trust.
    • CSR Initiative by XL India Business Services Pvt Ltd.
    • Supported and funded by XL India Business Services Pvt Ltd.


    • Planted 43,000 native trees, shrubs, and bushes.
    • Dug 3 ponds and 10 water harvesting stations for rainwater harvesting.
    • Have 2 composting stations filled with green waste to yield compost.
    • Plant nursery area for indigenous species and education.
    • The site is being developed and maintained completely by GMT (Give Me Trees) team.
    • The complete process is 100% organic in nature using modern methods. In the next 3 years, this project envisions to become a self-sustaining natural habitat with a projection of releasing 2,400,000 kilograms of Oxygen per year.